Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Introductory post

I have decided to start a blog about life with our mildly autistic daughter for a number of reasons - mainly because I feel it would be useful for friends and family (and whoever else is interested) to gain an insight into Amy's* inner world (which is obviously reflected through her outward behavior).

We are lucky to be surrounded by supportive family and friends who sincerely want to understand her diagnosis of ASD (autism spectrum disorder). It takes people who are in contact with Amy a while to understand her behaviour because at first she seems "just like any other child." When I've often tried to explain her autistic characteristics on the phone to people who haven't seen so much of her; they cannot understand what I am talking about. "My child does that" they say when I describe her behaviour.

The thing is, an autistic child, especially one who is mildly autistic like Amy is like any other child in so many ways. She just needs more guidance, patience and understanding than some simply because to her some things socially don't make sense and therefore she may act inapproprately. I will elaborate in further posts about how she is wired.

I want this to be an interactive blog. I want friends and family (and anyone else who is interested) to email me questions and to post comments. I will happily answer anything you want to know about ASD.

Amy will be four next month and I do not want to discuss her autism in front of her any more. We have a family trip coming up in three months to Hamilton/Tauranga to catch up with friends and family. Amy will be in contact with lots of children and if I can describe some of her "ways" on this blog, before we actually see everyone, I think it'll give all those we will be catching up with an insight to ASD.

If you want to know more about autism have a look at The Autism New Zealand site - it's very informative. There is obviously a heap of other information available on the Net.

This blog will be written from a Mum's perspective only. It is certainly not a blog to be relied on for up-to-date information about autism. The blog name "Help Me Mummy!" is a call I often get from Amy said in desperation whenever something goes wrong. Yet she cries out to me in many other ways such as by pulling my hair or hitting me when something has overwhelmed her socially. I feel it is my job/our job as parents to help her fit into the world outside our home as naturally as possible. At the end of the day, all she wants is to feel included and part of her social world - just like the rest of us.

*Amy is not my daughter's real name but is the name I have given her for the purposes of this blog.

1 comment:

  1. hi lynda, after reading your poem I clicked on introductory post. hi!!!
